There are essentially three categories of membership at the Birkenhead RSA. These are:

  1. Returned / Service Members
    Open to both current or ex service personnel of both New Zealand Forces or those from Commonwealth countries.
  2. Associate Membership
    Open to those who have no service history.
  3. Women’s Section
    Open to wives / widows or partners of current / ex Birkenhead RSA Service members.
    Please note this is a concessionary membership and members cannot vote at RSA AGM or elections.

The above is a guideline only and for more definitive information an applicant should contact the RSA if they require more precise details. The membership year runs from January-December and the current fees are:

Returned / Service
Under 65 years: $44
Over 65 years: $32
Over 80 years: $7 *
Returned / Service
Under 65 years: $44
Over 65 years: $32
Over 80 years: $7 *

Couples joining together
Under 65 years: $105
Over 65 years: $90
Over 80 years: $7 each *
Women’s Section
Under 80 years: $12
Over 80 years: $7 *

* Over 80s $7 fee applicable after two years continuous membership of the Birkenhead RSA.