One main bar services both the lounge and a busy “Bar/Sports” area. The Bar area contains a large screen TV and several small screens.

We have a separate dining area or members can eat out in the Clubrooms.

Conference Room
Our club doubles as a conference area. Please contact the Club is you would like more info.

Main Lounge
The main lounge comfortably seats just over 100 but can be adapted to hold many more for larger functions/funerals. We have a good sized dance floor and portable stage.
We have a projector and screen available for use and great in-house sound system.

We have a Library where members can borrow books and puzzles at no cost. Also acts as a quiet area for members and contains our memorabilia.

Gaming Area
Morrinsville RSA has recently sold all Gaming machines as the Club does not require them and is doing well in other areas.

Sport Areas
Adjacent to the main bar is a large Snooker/Pool/Darts area. You are welcome to play on the tables (R16) or have a game of Darts.